Maintaining security on our systems is becoming more and more difficult - and more and more important - every day. Here are some simple tips to help you avoid and combat intruders, viruses and spyware on your PC. Nothing is 100percent, but these will go a lengthy way toward keeping your computing experience enjoyable. You should also read mnosteeles excellent Spyware Removal and Prevention post in this forum.
Common Sense!!!!!!
Never open email attachments unless you know the sender, expected the attachment, as well as know what the attachment is before opening
Use a GOOD anti-virus program, have it active at all times, as well as keep the definitions up to date (if it has an auto-updater, use it)
Use a firewall (software or hardware - doesnt matter - just use one!) Even if you have a router use a good software firewall as well like Sygate
If using a router be sure to change the defualt password, if using a wireless router you should also not permit remote logins to your router, enable WEP, disable SSID and enable MAC address cloning
Use AdAware and Spybot as scanning programs on a regular basis. You need to use both - one will frequently miss items the other will catch. Neither is better than the other - just different.
Download and use both SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard from javacool. SB is a passive utility that will innoculate the registry and prevent spyware entries from being installed. SG is an active utility that sits in the method tray and prevents spyware from being installed. Again, they are complementary to one another - use both and keep definitions updated
Visit Windows Update regularly and be sure to install all Critical Security Patches
Common Sense!!!!!!!
Never go to internet sites that are known for spyware
Allow First Party and Session Cookies, but block Third Party Cookies
Never post your email address or other personal information on a internet site or forum
Do not permit others to surf the internet on your computer - or be prepared for the consequences
Common Sense!!!!!!!!
Never reply to emails that request personal information, regardless of the apparent source of the request
Stay the heck out of chat rooms
Try an alternative internet browser like Mozilla, it is more secure and has a bunch more customizable security settings
Did I mention Common Sense?
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