Looking back about ten years, purchasing a Windows Operating System was relatively easy because you basically had just three versions to choose from: the latest, the past version, or an older one. Of course, every updated version seemed to be better, as well as fairly easy to adjust to. However, today the scenario is somewhat different. We now have operating systems that are unique enough from each other that users of one absolutely refuse to use another. We decided to write about the three most popular Windows Operating Systems: XP, Vista, as well as Windows 7. Enjoy our take on this, as well as keep in mind that comments are welcomed!
Windows XP was the first operating method Windows launched that was truly considered through almost everybody as “here to stay”. It is surprising the number of people that still prefer the “old” XP over Vista or Windows 7. So, what is so good about XP that people stick to it with such loyalty? Well, maybe it is partly due to the fact which we humans are creatures of habit. And, it is no secret lots of people feel Vista has a number of shortcomings. However, is Windows XP really so really good it remains stiff competition for not just one newer OS, but two? And is Windows seven just the old Vista in disguise? Or maybe Microsoft learned from its mistakes, little dent in the reputation, as well as bitter taste Windows Vista left in the mouths of so many, that they actually created and delivered a completely new and unique OS with Windows 7?
Like lots of computer users, if you have an older computer (with an older and not so powerful processor), you might go for XP. As to why this is the rational choice – we have a perfectly simple explanation. In theory, the XP can run with only 64MB, so there's enough space left for some other simple applications you might want on your computer. For this reason, techies and gamers use newer or the newest operating systems, which give them more power and speed, necessary to fully enjoy the games and applications they want.
The boot time was as we expected – Windows seven is the fastest, XP and Vista follow consecutively. Shut down time was as follows: XP, Windows 7, as well as Vista. Copying small files brought the same results as the boot time; however, when discussing 1GB files and larger, Windows seven wins again. What about opening an Excel spreadsheet or a PDF file? You guessed Windows seven is unbeatable.
In regards to security, Windows XP is not the best OS to consider, meaning, it is less secure than its predecessors. On the other hand we found XP to be more user friendly than Vista, who’s UAC (User Account Control) prompts you whenever you make method changes, which is annoying, but helpful. Windows seven has multiple security levels, which means which you can choose how lots of alerts you see.
As far as reliability, Windows XP allocates its method memory for device drivers, file cache and other requirements. The biggest problem is, if you need more RAM later, you are in large trouble, because with XP no can do; whereas, Vista can manage its method memory through need, meaning it can take some RAM where it is not needed and use it where it is needed. Perhaps you are wondering about the chances of a driver-related crash happening. The possibility is small, as well as if it does happen, Vista helps you track down the exact cause of the crash.
So, are you a Windows XP, Vista or Windows seven person? XP is reliable when discussing the basics, as well as is still compatible with most hardware and software. Vista beats XP with security and error handling features. But our hands down winner? Windows 7! It is faster, friendlier, as well as just – better! Give it a shot, but keep in mind the change will take getting used to. Although such as in life, change is frequently good.
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