You will be amazed at how much faster you can shutdown your computer by using this trick.
Instead of going to the start menu, choosing shutdown, then waiting for the computer to shut all the programs down, you can create a shortcut on the desktop to do it quickly.
You can create a shutdown, restart, or a logoff icon on your desktop which will work a lot quicker than using the usual buttons in the start menu.
Watch this video tutorial on how to create a shutdown icon on your desktop. And I forgot to mention that you can change the look of the icon by right clicking on the icon and choosing properties, then choosing to change icon.
- to stop the computer from shutting down type shutdown /a into the run box located in the start menu..
- -f will force everything to close immediately without asking to save anything.
- shutdown.exe -r Restarts your computer in 30 seconds.
- shutdown.exe -l This one will logoff your computer back to the welcome screen where you will need to login again.
- shutdown.exe -s -t 1 Shutsdown your computer in one second. the -t 1 tells it how long to wait. (one second in this case) You can put -t 10 or even -t 1120.
- shutdown.exe -s -t 15 -c “Goodbye you idiot” This is my favorite code. It will shutdown in 15 seconds and have a message in the box saying “Goodbye you idiot”
The -c “bla bla bla” stands for a comment.