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Batch resize photos and pictures before sending in email

My friend Kris has been nagging me for ages to tell her how to re-size her pictures and photos so she can email them to everyone guilt free. Well finally I have made a video for her, however I am sure everyone will enjoy the tip also.

How to resize photos and pictures before sending through email?

  1. The first step is to download the free Google program, Picasa. You can find a link in our Freeware section.
  2. Once you have downloaded and installed the program, Picasa will explore your computer and find all the images.
  3. Go to the library of images by clicking on view in the top menu and then choosinglibrary view.
  4. Hold the CTRL key down on the keyboard while clicking on the picturesthat you want to resize.
  5. When you have selected the pictures you want, simply press on the the Export Icon at the bottom.
  1. Choose where to save your resized pictures and what size you would like by dragging the slider back and forth.
  2. Then press Export.
batch resize picasa
Watch the video tutorial for more details on how to resize batch pictures before sending through emails.


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