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Put Your Facebook Friends Into Categories By Adding Them To A Facebook Friends List

When I started to get too many Facebook friends I started to wonder how I would remember who they were and why I became their friend in the first place. It’s not like the real world you know. I have random friends that I have never even spoken to but have something in common with me.
I thought about culling my Facebook friends down to a manageable size, but that’s mean. Who would I choose to boot out? I couldn’t handle getting asked “why aren’t we friends anymore?” OMG I am glad this is not a face to face friend saying this to me. Anyway, just because these people are not in my real life and will not be invited to a BBQ at my house, unfriending them could still hurt their feelings. Therefore I decided to put my friends into categories by adding them to a particular list on Facebook.

How to add a Facebook friend to a list to categorize them?

Sorry if this sounds like herding cattle, or turning your friends into numbers, some things just must be done.
1.  When you find a new friend and click on “Add as a friend” a box will appear. See below.
facebook friend category list
2.  Click on the Add to list button and a drop down menu will appear.
3.  If you do not have any friend lists then it will ask you to create one.
4.  If you have lists you can simply click on one to add this new friend to it.
5.  Click on Add a personal message to write a quick note to the person to let them know why you are requesting to be their friend.
6.  Now click on the Send Request.
7.  If this person accepts your friend request they will be added to the friend list you chose earlier.
8.  If they do not accept your friend request nothing will happen.

Watch this video showing how to put Facebook friends into lists

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Facebook smiley faces on chat – Add a smiley face to Facebook chat

If you are into chatting on Facebook and communicating your lungs out without actually speaking then this Facebook chat trick is for you. I personally do not chat on Facebook but I know both my daughters are clearly engaged with anything to do with this website. In fact I never see my children and if I want to get them to do something I need to contact them on Facebook.  What is the world coming to?
Anyway that is enough of my opinion and lets get onto the cool smiley face tricks for chatting on Facebook. You will notice that these smileys codes are kind of similar to forum smiley code.
Facebook chat trick – add a smiley face to your Facebook chat. These codes do not come up properly on this Website so I have posted the true list on the forum.
:) smile, much better in real life though…
:( sad face, how can be sad you are on Facebook? Get over it!
:D really happy, its really sad that you are really happy about this…
;) wink, sleazy..don’t use it!!
^_^ happy eye face, ok whatever..
>:-( grumpy face, maybe you would be happier if you were getting some vitamin :D…?
:3 cat face, why would you want this?
:’( crying face, how embarrassing, do you want attention?
:o shocked face, I was shocked too when I found out that you could look so shocked!
8) glass face, hmmm..don’t crack a smile then..
B) same as above, oh how boring, this one is a copycat!
8-| cool shades, we all want to be cool.. that is why we are on Facebook..
:P rude face, I know someone that cried when they saw this..
.O.o woot!, we won’t even go there…It’s all too much for me.
-_- dork face, you shouldn’t pick on people, even online…
:/ duhh, like saying I told you so, or you are an idiot, or your brainless..
<(“) peguin, please tell me why you would want to use this..Does it mean anything to you?
(^^^) jaws, same as the penquin thing…WT??
3:) devil, this is when you have been naughty? Hope my kids are not using this one!
O:) angel, only good people can use this, otherwise the Facebook Gods will get you..
:* kiss face, you can kiss all you want on Facebook, just not in real life!
<3 heart, this is a cute one so I will not bag it out…
:v pacman, how 80′s is that? Didn’t pacman die with the Atari?
|] robot, don’t get this one, I guess you will just have to try it.
:putnam: guys face, who cares…we have profile pictures you know..
I had to get my editor to take out the swear words as this website is for all ages. I can’t help but make fun of all this and I sincerely hope your children are not memorizing this list instead of completing their school work…
Please feel free to comment below and let us know what Facebook smiley faces you use the most!
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Who are your Facebook friends? Do you really know them?

Do you really know who your friends are on Facebook? Who are they and do these friends actually even exist? Have you personally met them all face to face? I’d say no, especially if you have more than a few hundred. In fact why don’t you invite them all to a BBQ at your house and see who turns up.
Sorry to interrogate you like this but it worries me, this Facebook friend thing.Look at the screen shot below. There are three different people with different names and pictures. Well that seems normal doesn’t it? Yes it is supposed to seem normal but its not. If you look closely they all have the same message asking to be my friend.
“Hi Mitz, I just thought I’d add some really cool people as friends and I came across your Facebook profile and like what I see. So I am adding you, Mitz!”

My message for these spam friend requests:

Thanks for your request Gary,Willis, and Jimmie. Either your unusually close, long lost triplets, sleeping together, or you are not real. I have decided yet. Sorry guys, no becoming friends with me today.

facebook friends

What did these guys do, swap notes on how to get Facebook friends?

Are they real people?

Well I hope not, because I think I just offended them.
Unfortunately these people do not exist and these almost identical Facebook friends requests are produced by computer software. I have actually seen the software at a conference on the Gold coast and immediately thought it was unethical and highly “spamish”.

How can I catch spam friend requests on Facebook?

The only reason I noticed these guys is because I did not approve any friends requests for at least a month and let them build up. These particular requests probably came in at different intervals over the month and if I had approved them straight away I would not have noticed any similarities. This is a slack attempt to get gather Facebook friends to eventually market products to.

I have some rules for gathering friends on Facebook

  1. To approve a friend you must have met them in person first. (shook hands and said hello)
  2. If you are under 15 you must ask your parents if you can add that friend.
  3. You should only add friends in your own age group. It looks bad when a 45 year old, single male is friends with the entire under 15′s netball team. (unless your the coach)
  4. Children should also hangout with their own age group. My youngest daughter does not play with older teenagers in real life, why would she need to on Facebook? (they are a bad example)
  5. Only let your children on Facebook if you are on there as well. Make sure they add you as a friend so you can see whats going on.


  • The word “spamish” does not exist, I made it up.
  • These are actual friends requests from my Facebook account.
Share your thoughts by making a comment below. What rules do you have for adding Facebook friends.
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How can I stop my facebook notifications from going to my e-mail box?

Do you really need to know every little detail of what is going on in your Facebook account? Who cares if someone confirms a friend request or comments on your post? What if you have twenty or so comments on a post? Do you want an email sent to your inbox for every single one?
OMG! I am amazed at how Facebook developers have covered this email notification area with so much detail. Usually a website will give you an options to recieve notifications or NOT. But Facebook separates each action into an email notification so you would probably end up opting in for at least one or two. All I can say is “they really know how to bring the people back to their website!”
If you are overloaded with email notifications from Facebook you can easily change this by editing your account settings in your Facebook account.

How to unsubscribe from certain Facebook email notifications?

1.  Sign into your Facebook account.
2.  In the left top corner, press on the arrow next to account.
3.  A drop down menu appears.
4.  Choose Account Settings. See the screen shot below.
Facebook account settings
5.  Click on the Notification tab.
6.  You will see a huge list of boxes you can tick or un-tick.See the screen shot below.
7.  Choose which email notifications you want to end up in your email box.
notification settings facebook
email notifications list facebook
8.  When you are finished, scroll down to the end of the page and press on the save changes button.

How to unsubscribe to emails from Facebook from your inbox?

This is an easy one. When you get an email from Facebook and you do not want to recieve similar emails, you can unsubscribe by pressing a link in that email.
See in the screen shot below. The writing is in extreme fine print, however you can click on a link that will help you opt out of the email notification.
unsubscribe facebook emails
A quick warning for Facebook newbies: Be sure to visit your Facebook account settings or you will find that Facebook email notification will rule your email in-box.
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Download Your Facebook Profile To Your Computer to save

Did you know that you can download your Facebook profile? Would you like to keep a record of what you have done on Facebook. Other peoples comments and messages to you, even all the pictures you have uploaded and shared. This information is readily available to you and all you have to do is download your Facebook profile.
In this tutorial I will show you how to download your entire Facebook profile to your computer and save it for later. Bare in mind that you will have to do this on a regular basis if you are continually updating your profile with new information.

Download Your Facebook Profile To Your Computer to save

1.  Go to your Facebook account and sign in.
2.  Click on the small drop down arrow next to the account link.
3.  A menu will appear. Choose account settings from the menu. See the screen shot below.
my facebook profile
4.  Now you are in your Facebook account settings.
5.  Make sure you are on the settings tab as shown below.
download your facebook profile
6.  Scroll down the page until you see a heading Download Your Information. See the screen shot below.
download your facebook profile
7.  The next page will appear. Click on the download button.
download your facebook profile to your computer
8.  A message will appear. You will receive an email when your archive is ready for download.
facebook profile
When you receive your email you can unzip the package and open a copy of your Facebook profile in an Internet browser window.

Download Your Facebook Profile To Your Computer to save video:

Watch this video below to see this tutorial in action!

Notes on how to download your Facebook profile:

If you want a copy of the information you’ve put on Facebook for any reason, you can click a link and easily get a copy of all of it in a single download. To protect your information, this feature is only available after confirming your password and answering appropriate security questions.
You do not want anyone else to be able to download your Facebook profile.
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Computer Tips – Import Facebook Contact Emails Into Yahoo Mail And Gmail

Import Facebook Contact Emails Into Yahoo Mail And Gmail
Not many people know that you canimport Facebook contact emails and save them to your computer. In fact people don’t even realize that when you sign up a Facebook, your e-mail is available to anyone that you become a friend to. I know myself, that I was not aware, that anonymous people that you have befriended can obtain your e-mail address. I presumed, just like anyone else would, that their only means of contact was through Facebook itself. This is not true. Hopefully this tutorial will make you think twice before pressing the ad as a friend button in Facebook. Below I will show you how easy it is to import Facebook contact emails to your computer.
This is a great thing if you have lost or your “real friends” contact emails as you can get a copy of them from Facebook. On the other hand, if you are just becoming peoples friends in order to sell something to them, then I do not agree that you should be importing their e-mail addresses.

How to import Facebook contact emails into Yahoo mail?

1.  Sign in to your e-mail account at Yahoo! If you do not have an account simply sign up for one, it is free.
2.  In the left column press on contacts.
3.  There may also be a contacts tab at the top of the page. Click on this and it will do the same thing. Please see the screen shot below, double-click on it to make it bigger.
Import Facebook Contact Emails
4.  Look for the section that says import your contacts from other accounts to Yahoo!. click on the link that says import now.In the screenshot above there is an arrow pointing to this section.
5.  Once you have clicked on this link, you will have a choice of accounts to import Facebook contact emails from.
6.  In this tutorial we are going to import Facebook contact emails, therefore we are going to click on the Facebook icon. See the screen shot below.
import Facebook contact emails
7.  If you are signed into Facebook you will see something that looks like the screenshot below. All you have to do is press okay to allow Yahoo to import Facebook contact e-mails.
8.  If you are not signed in, you will be asked to do so, and then you will see the screen.

Watch this video below to see how I import Facebook contact emails into Yahoo mail and then import them into Gmail.

The reason I went to all this trouble to import Facebook contact e-mails into Yahoo and then in to Gmail, is because I could not simply import them into Gmail first. Yahoo mail is the only one that allowed me to do this, however as you can see there is always a way around everything. From Yahoo mail I can also import Facebook contact e-mails into Outlook express and Thunderbird e-mail.

Notes on how to import Facebook contact emails into Yahoo mail:

  • Now that you can see how easy it is to import Facebook contact e-mails you might think twice about pressing the add as a friend button.
  • Maybe when you do add someone as a friend, there should be a warning saying that your e-mail will be available to them.
I don’t mind that you can import Facebook contact emails into your Yahoo e-mail account, however I do mind that I was not made aware of it when signing up for an Facebook account.
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Facebook Tutorial – How to Start Playing CityVille on Facebook

If you would like to start playing CityVille on Facebook, it is very easy to do and is free to play. This game reminds me of Sim City, the original version that came out years ago. When I was younger I used to get stuck there fact hours building cities and trying to make them successful. Now I see that people areplaying CityVille on Facebook and this is very similar. You have to do the same thing, and build cities just as if you were planning the real thing. Who would ever think that you could be in charge of developing an entire city. If you are interested in something like that then you should start playing CityVille on Facebook to get some experience.
When you are playing CityVille on Facebook you get to build and run your own city! The first thing you do is clear some land and then start building your fantastic city by adding houses, planting crops, creating businesses and so on. You even get to import goods to run retail stores and become friends with your neighbors. It is like your own little world. I can see why people get addicted to playing CityVille on Facebook!

How to Start Playing CityVille on Facebook

1.  Login to your Facebook account and go to the search bar at the top.
2.  Type in “CityVille“, press enter,  and wait for the results. Click on CityVille. See the screen shot below.
playing CityVille on Facebook
3.  You will now see the entrance to the CityVille game. Simply press play now.
Facebook cityville game
4.  A request for permission box will appear. If you want to start playing CityVille on Facebook you will need to press the allow button. See the screen shot below.
Facebook cityville game allow access
5.  Once you have given CityVille permission to access your account, you can now start playing CityVille on Facebook.
Facebook cityville game start

Getting help when playing CityVille on Facebook?

If you have any trouble starting the CityVille game is simply press on the help to get more information. If you are interested also see more Facebook Tips.
I would like to give you a friendly warning right now. If you start playing CityVille on Facebook you will get hooked because the game is fantastic!
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Appear offline on Facebook even if you are signed in

I love Facebook and really enjoy catching up with long lost friends and family. However sometimes I do not feel like chatting and just want to visit Facebook to catch up on the gossip. There is just not enough time in the day to chat to everyone you meet up with on the internet.  This is why it is handy to be able to sign into Facebook but appear like you are offline so your contacts do not see you and try to chat to you.
Below is a screenshot of my Facebook account when I am signed in. At this point if anyone sees me online they could possibly start up a chat session with me.
signed into Facebook

How to appear offline on Facebook.

  1. When you are signed into Facebook, go to the bottom, right hand corner to see this Chat bar. It shows a green light that means there are three people I know online available to chat.  See the screenshot below.
chat on facebook while online
  1. Click on the chat bar to see who is online and to get to the options. You can click where I have marked the bar with a red cross.
  2. Now a box will pop up and show you who is online. Click on Options.
Appear offline on Facebook even if you are signed in
  1. When you click on Options you will see another popup pictured below.
appear offline on facebook
  1. Now choose Go Offline from the options menu.
  2. Now if you look at the chat bar, pictured below, it shows that I am offline.
be offline on facebook
Ok so now you are free to check out all the gossip and not get disturbed by people wanting to chat. If you want to go back online simply click on the chat bar again and it will immediately reverse the procedure.
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Change your privacy settings on your Facebook account

Do you really want everyone on the internet seeing all your private family photos and conversations on Facebook? People often presume that if you have a Facebook account, everyone can automatically see everything. This is not true. You can change your Facebook privacy settings to suit your needs. For example you can allow any old stranger to view your whole account and stalk you, or you can hide your profile and block them out. There are options to just let your friends see your profile or even friends of friends.

How to change your privacy settings in your Facebook account?

  1. Sign into your Facebook account.
  2. Go to the top of the page. Click on the arrow next to Account to see the drop down menu.
  3. Choose privacy settings from the menu. See the screenshot below.
 privacy settings on  Facebook
  1. The privacy settings window will appear. See the screenshot below.
  2. Press on Profile Information.
 privacy settings on Facebook profile
  1. The privacy Settings – Profile Information will open.
  2. If you press on the drop down arrows for each section you can change the privacy setting. See the screenshot below.

Facebook privacy settings 
  1. This is a detailed way to change your privacy settings. You can make all different privacy settings for each section.

A Quick way to change your Facebook privacy settings?

  1. On your profile page, click on the arrow next to the lock. See below.
  2. Choose a privacy setting from the drop down menu.
 share profile with friends
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Chat in a bigger chat box on Facebook

Chatting on Facebook is inevitable when you have loads of friends. Each time you sign into Facebook a friend tries to chat with you.
Below is a screenshot of my Facebook account when I am signed in. At this point if anyone sees me online they could possibly start up a chat session with me.
This is fine, however the usual chat area on Facebook is very small and sometimes a bit confusing to keep up with what people are saying.
signed into Facebook  

How to start chatting in a bigger chat box on Facebook.

  1. When you are signed into Facebook, go to the bottom, right hand corner to see this Chat bar. It shows a green light that means there are three people I know online available to chat.  See the screenshot below.
  1. To start chatting on Facebook simply click on the chat bar. See the screenshot below and click where I have marked it with a red cross.
chat bar on facebook
  1. As soon as you click on the chat bar a list of online contacts will appear. Click on a name to start chatting to them. This will bring up a small chat box. See the screenshot below.
chatting on facebook - small chat box
  1. Even though you are chatting already, you can make this chat session box bigger by clicking on the chat bar again.
  2. The list will come up, at the top choose options. Then choose Pop out chat. See the screenshot below.
See the chat box I was originally in is now enlarged to a full screen chat box. The whole conversation is still there so we can continue chatting.
full screen chat on facebook
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Facebook Friend Request Taking Too Long

Although you’re thrilled to find out your mom has finally joined Facebook, you’re kind of flustered that your Facebook friend request is taking long to approve. There are a number of reasons that could cause the delay, the least of being she simply doesn’t like you in that way. Being patient with the Facebook friend request that is taking too long can take away some of the awkwardness of your next Thanksgiving dinner.
If you’ve noticed that the people you’ve sent the friend request to log on but the item is still not approved, there could be a few reasons. First, the Facebook friend request is taking long because they simply haven’t approved it yet. This doesn’t mean that they don’t want to be friends because you will receive a notification if your request is denied. The friend request could still be pending or the user was quickly on for a different reason.
If you can’t sleep at night without getting answers, resend your request with a note like: 
  •  “my computers been acting up so not sure if this went through”
  •  “got an error message from Facebook so thought I’d resend this”.
You won’t look like quite as big of a stalker with these few extra precautions. The main thing is that when you friend request is taking too long, try not to jump to any conclusions.
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Hide Facebook Friends from Friends

If you’ve recently joined a biker gang or secretly become a regular customer at the local tattoo parlour, you may want to keep your acquaintances private. This task is easy in real life but in the virtual world of Facebook, your life is an open book. Perhaps Openbook would have been a better marketing plan.
Well, you may want to hide Facebook friends from friends such as your gospel group from your death metal band mates or your cooking club from your mailbox-smashing club.
The answer as to how to hide Facebook friends from friends is that it is not possible. Unless you want to have separate accounts for your split personalities, Facebook eliminated the ability to hide Facebook friends from friends in December 2009. Users that had that option were not grandfathered in and the change caused many people to close their accounts.
You might as well save the drama and tell your mom you’ve been dating a clown before she finds out for herself. She probably would have found out by browsing the circus website anyway. If you offer some free skeet ball tickets or an oversized Garfield it may go a long way in repairing the rift that would have been saved with the option to hide Facebook friends from friends.
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Hide Friends updates from your Facebook homepage

I logged into my Facebook account today and found that my mate Scott had posted a rather riskay picture that was showing up on my page. Well it wasn’t that bad, however any picture that is posted by a friend will eventually show up on my Facebook homepage.   Even though Facebook is supposed to be for people over 18 years of age, everyone knows there are minors using Facebook.
hide friends updates from your wall

How to hide a friends updates from your wall?

  1. Go to your friends update and hover your mouse to the right of the post. If you hover over the right spot the Hide button will show up.
  2. Press on the hide button.
  3. You will be asked to confirm this action. See the screenshot below.
hide friend from news feed  

How to Un-hide a friends news feed from your wall?

If you have decide that Scott is now reformed and is not posting questionable pictures on his Facebook account, you can now safely un-hide his posts. It’s easy to turn everything back to normal. All you have to do is:
  1. Scroll down to the bottom of your wall and click on the Edit Options link. See the screenshot below.
  1. Then the Hidden from News Feed box will appear. To let Scott rejoin your other friends, simply press on the Add to news Feed button. See the screenshot below.
 Add to news feed
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