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How can I stop my facebook notifications from going to my e-mail box?

Do you really need to know every little detail of what is going on in your Facebook account? Who cares if someone confirms a friend request or comments on your post? What if you have twenty or so comments on a post? Do you want an email sent to your inbox for every single one?
OMG! I am amazed at how Facebook developers have covered this email notification area with so much detail. Usually a website will give you an options to recieve notifications or NOT. But Facebook separates each action into an email notification so you would probably end up opting in for at least one or two. All I can say is “they really know how to bring the people back to their website!”
If you are overloaded with email notifications from Facebook you can easily change this by editing your account settings in your Facebook account.

How to unsubscribe from certain Facebook email notifications?

1.  Sign into your Facebook account.
2.  In the left top corner, press on the arrow next to account.
3.  A drop down menu appears.
4.  Choose Account Settings. See the screen shot below.
Facebook account settings
5.  Click on the Notification tab.
6.  You will see a huge list of boxes you can tick or un-tick.See the screen shot below.
7.  Choose which email notifications you want to end up in your email box.
notification settings facebook
email notifications list facebook
8.  When you are finished, scroll down to the end of the page and press on the save changes button.

How to unsubscribe to emails from Facebook from your inbox?

This is an easy one. When you get an email from Facebook and you do not want to recieve similar emails, you can unsubscribe by pressing a link in that email.
See in the screen shot below. The writing is in extreme fine print, however you can click on a link that will help you opt out of the email notification.
unsubscribe facebook emails
A quick warning for Facebook newbies: Be sure to visit your Facebook account settings or you will find that Facebook email notification will rule your email in-box.


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