Although the social networking site Facebook has proven to be a great way to reconnect with old friends, it can cause some awkwardness. Being a Facebook friend does not always equate to being a friend in real life. Sometimes a person will approve your friend request on the sixth time just to be nice.
Unfortunately if you see one of your top friends on Facebook at a restaurant or party, they’ll want to hang out and talk all night.
“Listen, I’ve got to get going….uh over there”
“But we’re top friends on Facebook…We’re top friends on Facebooooook!”
You may wonder how you got yourself into this mess and what button you have to push to reprocess the friends on your front page. Friends on the Facebook home page are determined by an internal application that tracks all your moves within the site. A plethora of factors are taken in to determine the top friends on Facebook including whom comments on your page, who likes your posts, and who is logged in while viewing your page.
Data from your end is also taken into account in regards to the pages of people you visit and comment on. Therefore, your top friends on Facebook are determined by software and nothing too personal. If you log into your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriends page 60 times a day just to tell them you hate them, they will quickly move up to be your top friend…and you’ll soon receive a straining order. The only way to alter your top friends on Facebook information is to log into a number of your other friends sites and visit them to promote them. Beware that you’ll soon become the annoying person to them and thus the cycle continues!
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