I'm not sure, many people know this thing or not, so let me share it here,
All of us have Windows ans its not new thing to have a Offeice installed in our macine,When you install Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010 it installs almost a hundred of new fonts in your system silently.
And the worst things is that whenever your start your computer, all those fonts are scanned and loaded (or something like that) and then only the Windows OS starts. So to reduce the booting time, you should delete all the unnecessary fonts.I have learned this from an ebook tip which sense me to share it over here.I came to know that to be frank no matter how much defragment you do, or whatever smartass'tweaking utility softwares' you use, you'll notice the boost after if only deleting the unnecessary fonts. It might not be much noticable on a high end computer havng 2 or 3 GB of RAM and above, but if you're still living with a P4 on 512MB RAM, the results are exceptionally brilliant. So do give it a shot and report back.
What You Have to do?
You have to remove those fonts or just stop loading when Windows starts,before doing this use Fontexpert 2009 or 10 to dobackup of fonts, and it'll prevent you from deleting the essential fonts from your Pc.
Option 1:
While installing OFFICE into your pc, you can do a 'custom install' and then select "Office shared components" and Select Fonts>"donot install", then it'll install office without fonts,thats it.
Option 2:
You can stop down office from startup list, i.e. disable it. There's silent part of office which runs in background all the time. You should see it in startup list. Uncheck that.
You know more ways and Tricks..?
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