If you are really stuck with a problem on your computer and you know a friend that might be able to help, here is an easy way to allow them to access your computer. Even if they are half way across the world, if they have an internet connection and have sent you an invitation, then accessing your computer is entirely possible. It is always good to know who you are letting into your computer because they will be able to access your files and browse around your computer.
What you need to use Windows Remote Assistance?
- Both computers need an internet connection.
- An invitation file needs to be sent to the helpers email address.
How to invite a friend to help through remote assistance?
1. Go to the start menu. Choose Help and Support.
2. The Windows Help and Support dialog box will appear. Click on the link that saysUse
Windows Remote Assistance to get help from a friend or offer help.
3. Now to invite someone to help you, click on the Invite someone you trust to help you.
4. If you were Offering help to someone click on the button below.
5. The Windows Remote Assistance windows will appear. Press on use email to send an invitation.
6. You will need to enter a password. Remember this as you will need to give it to the person helping you.
7. Press next.
8. If you have Windows mail, Outlook, or even Thunderbird email it will open with thepre-filled details.
9. Enter the email address of who you want to send this invitation to.
10. Then type in the password you created.
11. Send the invitation to the Email recipient.
To take up this invitation the person who receives the email will need to save the attachment that came with it to their computer. Then they will need to follow the steps above, however they must choose to offer help to someone instead of asking for help.
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