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See what Windows Update history you have installed on your computer

Sometimes when you install a Windows update a problem occurs and you might need to see the Windows update history. The Windows update history will show you what updates have been installed on your computer. It will also allow you to remove un-wanted updates.
How to open Windows Update in Windows XP and Windows Vista?There are two ways to open Windows updates. The first way is to double click on the icon in the notification area. This icon will be noticeable when there are updates for your computer to download.
This screenshot shows the icon in the notification area in Windows Vista. In Windows XP the icon is a yellow triangle with a exclamation mark.
The other way to get to Windows Updates is to go to the start menu, then choose control panel, then double click on the automatic updates icon.

How to view your Windows Vista update history?

After you have opened the Windows Update window, as shown in the screenshot below, you can now proceed to view the update history. Simply Click on the link that says View update history.
Windows update history
Now you will see a list of Windows Updates that have been installed on your computer as shown below.

How to Uninstall a Windows Updates on Windows Vista?

To remove a Windows update, when you are viewing the update history, click on the link Installed Updates.
Update history - newsletter
Below is a screenshot of Installed updates on Windows Vista. Now you can select an update by making it blue. Then an uninstall button will appear next to organize and view.
uninstall an update - computer tips and tricks

How to see what Windows Updates you have installed on Windows XP?

There is no update history for Windows XP, however you can see what updates you have installed on your computer by going to Add or Remove programs in the control panel.
  1. To see what updates you have installed on a Windows XP computer you need to go through a different process.
  2. Go to the start menu at the bottom left corner.
  3. Choose control panel from the menu.
  4. Find the Add or Remove programs icon and double click on it to open it.
  5. A list of installed programs will appear. To see Windows updates put a tick in the box next to Show updates.
  6. Now you will also see all of the updates that are on your computer.

How to uninstall a Windows Update on Windows XP?

To uninstall a Windows update from your Windows XP computer you must follow the steps above to see the updates that are on your computer. Then select an update and choose to remove it.


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