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Remove annoying Twitter applications from your Twitter account

The Twitter website has taken the world by storm, and along with it, people are developing applications that interact with this website. You can add an application to your Twitter account that can perform certain tasks for you. For example I have a Twitterfeed application enabled in my Twitter account that will update my Twitter status every time I make a blog post. There are many Twitter applications and most companies are developing them to keep up with the times.
To use these Twitter applications you need to allow them access to your Twitter account. You might want to allow Facebook or Twitter feed or some other third-party application to access your Twitter account. As you are in charge of your account you will need to allow it and give it access. Sometimes we often allow applications that turn out to be annoying and we will need to remove them.
There are thousands of Twitter applications available and it is nice to try new one and see what they can do. However I have had applications that have caused problems with my Twitter account and before it can turn into a disaster you need to revoke access for these applications.


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