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Adsense Tips For Bloggers Series.

The full series of AdSense Tips is Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 andPart 8.

I’ve been asked many times the past few days about how do I make money from Google Adsense Program? And what are the tips or strategies I can share with the audience?

Well, today I thought that I should write something on this topic. It seems that most bloggers want to try to cover their hosting costs with some revenue from their blog - And also to make a few dollars on the side.

You have the right to think like that, because blogging can get expensive when you have high levels of traffic and a lot of pages..

Google Adsense takes time and hard work, in fact I think it’s quite feasible to expect that Adsense coupled with other strategies for making money from Blogging could quite easily generate a decent living.

So how do I make money from Google Adsense ? Let me share some tips that have helped me.

First of all, let me say up front I’m no expert - there are a lot of people out there making a lot more money that I am using Adsense, however most of them are not telling their secrets - well not for free anyway. I’ve got no secrets to hide and I’m willing to share what I’ve learnt since I signed up for the program. So this will be the first in a series of posts on this topic.

Second, to cut down the amount of introductory comments I have to make, I’m assuming:

• You have a blog. I run Adsense on blogs and will speak from that experience - however, most of these tips will apply to other types of websites aswell.
• You have (or will) read a basic overview of Adsense and have some understanding of what it is.
• You have (or will) read the program policies as outlined by Google.

That’s enough, lets get stuck into the Adsense Tips for Bloggers!

Part 1: Adsense Tips for Bloggers - Introduction
Part 2: Adsense Tips For Bloggers - Is Your Blog Suitable For Adsense
Part 3: Adsense Tips For Bloggers - Four Elements Impact The Level Of Your Adsense Earnings
Part 4: Adsense Tips For Bloggers - Increasing Traffic
Part 5: Adsense Tips for Bloggers - High Paying Ads
Part 6: Adsense Tips For Bloggers - Relevant Ads
Part 7: Adsense Tips For Bloggers - Well Designed And Placed Ads
Part 8: Adsense Tips For Bloggers - Miscellaneous Adsense Tips


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